
Showing 1-30 of 234
Coello, Barbara. Agriculture and trade liberalization in Vietnam. 2008.
Thesis or Dissertation
Sabillón Poitevin, María Michelle. "Evaluacion de la percepcion social y economica en la utilizacion de las estufas mejoradas “La Justa” por el proyecto Mirador en Santa Barbara, Honduras." Desarrollo de Socioeconómico y Ambiente Grado Académico de Licenciatura, 2009.
Working Paper
Coello, Alejandra, Fiorella Guerrero, Carlos Mora, and Paola Plua. "Inventarío de Recursos Gastronómicos con Potencial Turístico del Canton Naranjal, Guayas." (2009).
Thesis or Dissertation
Herrera Coello, Alex P, and Juan C Sánchez Escobar. "El Fideicomiso Mercantil como Forma de Financiamiento para la Construcción de Viviendas en la Ciudad de Quito y su Impacto en el Mercado de Valores." Thesis, Escuela Politecnica, 2006.
Journal Article
Jiménez-Coello, Matilde, Karla Acosta-Viana, Eugenia Guzmán-Marín, Alejandra Bárcenas-Irabién, and Antonio Ortega-Pacheco. "American trypanosomiasis and associated risk factors in owned dogs from the major city of Yucatan, Mexico." Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins including Tropical Diseases 21, no. 1 (2015).
Journal Article
Herrick, Minette, Ashley M McCormick, Pravara Thanapura, Vinod K Gidvani-Diaz, Miguel Coello, Douglas Lougee, Wilmer E Amador, and Teresa M Kemmer. "Global positioning system mapping of growth status in Rural Honduran Children ages 6 to 60 months." Global Advanced Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences 2, no. 3 (2013): 055-063.
Thesis or Dissertation
Zúñiga, Josseline Ortiz S, and Angie Loor K Coello. "Auditoría ambiental a la importadora industrial agrícola del Monte SA enfocada a su proceso de distribución de productos agroquímicos.." Thesis, Universidad Politecnica Salesiana, 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
Wong, Magno Burgos I, Juan Castañeda J Briones, and Bagner Madero V Coello. "Estudio para determinar las principales fuentes de financiamiento como alternativa de crecimiento económico para las empresas pymes en la Ciudad de Guayaquil." Thesis, Universidad de Guayaquil, 2013.
Thesis or Dissertation
Coello, David Mogollón F, and Oscar Valladares A Narváez. "Estudio de pre-factibilidad del Centro de Innovación y Transferencia de Tecnología para la Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas de la Universidad Central del Ecuador." Título De Economistas, Universidad Central Del Ecuador, 2012.
Thesis or Dissertation
Duque E, Giomar Coello. "Diseño de un plan de marketing para el producto lisa college desarrollado por la microempresa browse Ecuador, ubicada en la ciudad de Quito.." Thesis, Universidad Politecnica Salesiana, 2013.
Thesis or Dissertation
Benavidez, Mario Vásquez F, and Gustavo Coello O Freire. "Análisis sobre el acceso al financiamiento crediticio de las microempresas dedicadas al comercio, para la implementación del factoring como alternativa de financiación en la empresa VEHICLESERVICE del cantón Milagro." Título de Economista, Universidad Estatal de Milagro, 2013.
Working Paper
Kwiek, Marek, Timo Aarrevaara, Andrea Abbas, Tomasz Bilczewski, Gaële Goastellec, Sarah Guri-Rosenblit, Lubow Jeroszenko, Barbara M Kehm, Cezary Koscielniak, Barbara Kudrycka, Annick Magnier, Peter Mayo, and Tadeusz Slawek. "Freedom Equality University." (2012).
Journal Article
El-Gibaly, Omaima, Barbara Ibrahim, Barbara Mensch, and Wesley H Clark. "The decline of female circumcision in Egypt: Evidence and interpretation." Social Science & Medicine 54, no. 2 (2002): 205-220.
Conference Paper
Mensch, Barbara, Barbara Ibrahim, Susan M Lee, and Omaima El-Gibaly. "Socialization to gender roles and marriage among Egyptian adolescents." Annual Meeting of the Population Asso-ciation of America. Los Angeles, CA, 2000.
Working Paper
van Koppen, Barbara, Hilmy Sally, Michael Aliber, Ben Cousins, and Barbara Tapela. "Water resources management, rural redress and agrarian reform." Development Planning Division Working Paper Series (DBSA) , no. 7 (2007).
Thesis or Dissertation
Ortega C, Yonimiler. "Gestión del desarrollo local sostenible con el enfoque de la Dirección Integrada de Proyectos en el corredor turístico de Santa Bárbara, Azuay, Ecuador." Master Thesis, Universidad de Pinar del Rio "Hermanos Saiz montes de Oca", 2012.
Conference Paper
Dietz, Barbara. "Measuring the impact of temporary and short-term extra-EU labour mobility." 28th CEIES seminar Migration statistics - Social and economic impacts with respect to the labour market. Riga,, June 9-10, 2005.
Bruns, Barbara, Alain Mingat, and Ramahatra Rakotomalala. Achieving universal primary education by 2015: A chance for every child. : World Bank Publications, 2003.
Journal Article
Janowitz, Barbara, and Matthew Holtman. "Evaluating alternative ways to provide home service delivery of family planning in Bangladesh." Journal of Health & Population in Developing Countries 2, no. 2 (1999): 62-72.
Book Section
Yates, Robert, Christine Kirunga Tashobya, Valeria Oliveira Cruz, Barbara McPake, Freddie Ssengooba, Grace Murindwa, Peter Lochoro, Juliet Bataringaya, Hanif Nazerali, and Francis Omaswa. "Health systems reforms in Uganda: processes and outputs." The Ugandan health systems reforms: miracle or mirage? (2006).
Hashi, Khadija, Leyla Sharafi, and Barbara Ryan. A holistic approach to the abandonment of female genital mutilation/cutting. New York, New York: UNFPA, 2007.
Journal Article
Al-Tawila, Sahar, Barbara Ibrahim, and Hind Wassef. "Social change and adolescent/parent dynamics in Egypt." The new Arab family 24, no. 1-2 (2003): 214.
Journal Article
Ibrahim, Barbara, Laila Nawar, and Cynthia Lloyd. "Women's autonomy and the limits of population policy in Egypt." Arab society: class, gender, power, and development (1997).
Journal Article
SIngerman, Diane, and Barbara Ibrahim. "The cost of marriage in Egypt: A hidden variable in the new Arab demography." The new Arab family (2001).
Journal Article
Winikoff, Beverly, and Barbara Mensch. "Rethinking postpartum family planning." Studies in Family Planning 22, no. 5 (1991): 294-307.
Journal Article
Anderson, Barbara. "Fertility, poverty and gender in South Africa." Fertility: the current South African issues of poverty, HIV/AIDS & Youth: seminar proceedings (2003).
Journal Article
Klugman, Barbara, and Sanjani Varkey. "From policy development to policy implementation: the South African Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act." Advocating for Abortion Access: Eleven Country Studies (Johannesburg: School of Public Health, University of the Witwatersrand, 2001) (2001).
Roman, Elaine, Barbara Rawlins, Patricia Gomez, Rebecca Dineen, Aimee Dickerson, and Bill Brieger. Scaling up Malaria in pregnancy programs: What it takes!. : Jhpiego, 2008.
Journal Article
Willey, Barbara, Lucy Paintain, Lindsay Mangham, Josip Car, and Joanna Schellenberg. "Strategies for delivering insecticide-treated nets at scale for malaria control: a systematic review." Bulletin of the World Health Organization 90, no. 9 (2012): 672.
Working Paper
Pitaktepsombati, Pichit, and Barbara Janowitz. "Contraceptive sterilization in Thailand." Health and population studies based on the 1987 Thailand Demographic and Health Survey: Demographic and Health Surveys further analysis series number 1 (1989).
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